Factory reset kobo

In case a circumstance appearing where kobo e-Reader tends to display complex faults or stops working then at that time you can attempt a few methods for fixing kobo errors. Kobo devices equip with, unlike the rebooting system where the procedure to restart kobo can get done by placing paperclip into a smaller hole

The only need is to complete the factory reset procedure by placing the paperclip into the small opening from the base of the device.

Once you accomplish factory reset kobo every error will get away and kobo will come back to its default settings.

How to factory reset kobo?

It is quite easier to reset kobo or factory reset kobo. All you need to follow every method to factory reset kobo.

1. Basic Reset Process: This will lead to the rebooting of the device. By going with the reset option you will remove all sorts of errors that make the device not responding.

How to do this?

  • Switch Off kobo

  • Find smaller reset key which is located at the top near power key or at base of your kobo

  • Utilize wire or paperclip and press the reset key until you don’t get click sound.

  • Kobo will begin to restart. 

  • If this not assist in solving the error then kobo power light can flash blue two times and then the light will go dim again.

2. Connecting with a computer:

At times the complete device requires a good restart for its fine working. 

You must follow the steps mentioned below for fixing kobo issues in right way:

1. Associate Kobo connects with a PC or Mac system.

2. Grab the device and connect with PC or Mac by making use of adapter.

3. Keep the adapter connection on hold and try to place paperclip.

Kobo will begin to respond in 10 seconds and will go for asking do you wish to connect with PC. 

With the above steps you can easily factory reset your kobo device.


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