Kobo is not charging

Kobo eReader makes your reading sessions very convenient. All this takes place when kobo is in great working condition. Kobo is not charging that comes out as a common error that can harm reading sessions. This error can get fix easily by making use of troubleshooting techniques. 

Why kobo is not charging issue happens?

1. If the battery of the kobo is not completely charged or damaged the kobo is not charging issue happens.

2. If the screen of the device is not properly clean then also kobo is not charging error takes place.

3. When you do not make use of the kobo device for a long time without charging the battery of the kobo becomes weak and thus kobo is not charging errors occur.

How can I fix the kobo is not charging error?

There are few troubleshooting techniques that will allow you to remove kobo is not a charging error.

1. Turning kobo on and off 

If kobo turns on during the process of its charging

• Hold Power button up to 15 seconds 

• Wait for 5 seconds. 

• Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds to leave. 

2. Hold Power Key 

Power Off Slide the power key and hold for 15 seconds and release after a few minutes. This should constrain Kobo eReader to control off. 

In case Kobo eReader controls off. Slide the power change and hold until the green/blue light close to the router changes.

Release the power key when the green/blue light shows up. The kobo device will now get in working condition for one more time.


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