kobo troubleshooting

Many times kobo battery error happens because of low battery percentage which leads to complicated issues. kobo troubleshooting

You must assure your kobo is charge fully and try turning the kobo device on and off.

1. Kobo Charging 

  • Connect a micro USB link to Kobo eReader and associate the opposite finish of the micro USB link to PC. The PC will begin charging your eReader. 

  • Blinking of a link on-screen of Kobo displaying device is low on battery. Let eReader charge for 60 minutes. 

In a situation where eReader isn't charging, attempt an alternate MicroUSB link, or other USB port on PC.

What you will need to do:

There are few chances that eReader turns on, it implies the battery is low. 

A person can charge their eReader more often to keep the battery from going low. 

2. Turn your kobo leader on and off 

In case kobo turns on amid charging: 

· Hold Power button up to 15 seconds

· Wait for 5 seconds. 

· Press and hold the Power button for 5 seconds to start kobo. 

3. Press Home Button

In case you have additional buttons on Kobo eReader. 

For example, a Kobo Touch with a Home catch beneath the touch-screen.

At that point press that key to check whether your Kobo reacts.

By following the above mention kobo troubleshooting techniques you can easily remove basic issues taking place with your device.


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